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Milton Hall

Primary School

‘Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it.’

Pupil Premium


Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium and how do we use it?
The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers. The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011.

The Pupil Premium Grant is additional to the main school funding, and we use this to address underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals and their peers. It is allocated to help support children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for FSM and children who have been ‘looked after’ or for those that are vulnerable. Local authorities are responsible for looked after children in care and will make payments to schools and academies where an eligible looked after child is on roll.


Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit. We use it for a range of academic, pastoral and enrichment purposes with the general aim that all children deserve the best regardless of background. We are held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families and each year we publish a statement which details how we spend this funding which you can view below.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-2024

What is the Recovery Premium and how will we use it?
The recovery premium grant is part of the government’s package of funding to support pupils whose education has been impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19). It is a time-limited grant providing over £300m of additional funding for state-funded schools in the 2021 to 2022 academic year and £1bn across the 2022 to 2023 and 2023 to 2024 academic years. It is focused on pupil premium eligible pupils. This is because of the additional impact of the pandemic on disadvantaged pupils. However, schools can use it to deliver evidence-based approaches for supporting any pupil based on an assessment of individual need.

See our spending plan here:
