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Milton Hall

Primary School

‘Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it.’


Schools admissions: applications for overseas children


In most cases, children arriving from overseas have the right to attend schools in England.

It is the responsibility of parents to check that their children have a right, under their visa entry conditions, to study at a school.  To help parents we recommend that those wishing to apply for a state funded school check that they have a right of right of abode or the conditions of their visas otherwise permit access a state-funded school.

Foreign nationals cannot use the 6 month visitor visa or a 6 month short-term study visa to enter the UK to enol as a pupil at a school. Find out what these visas can be used for on the visitor visa and short term study visa pages.

Find out more visit the Department for Education.

Milton Hall Nursery accepts children who are at least 3 years old – they can start in the term after their 3rd birthday. We have 2 intakes during the year, one in September and one in January and we offer 15 free hours per week (3h AM session 5x a week OR 3h PM session 5x a week).

Admission to our Nursery does not guarantee admission to the school Reception class and a separate application would need to be made for the Reception class through the Local Authority’s Single Application Form (SAF).

Date of birth

Term in which child is eligible

to be considered for entry to the nursery

Application deadline
01/01 to 31/0801/09 - Autumn Term01/05
01/09 to 31/1201/01 - Spring Term01/11


Milton Hall Appeal Process

Postcode lookup for catchment areas from Southend Borough Council

Free Early Years Education and Childcare For 3 And 4 Year Olds

Transferring to Secondary School - applications can be made between 1 September 2024 and 31 October 2024

Link to Primary School Admissions page - Southend Borough Council

Primary School Admissions Reception 2025/2026
