What assessments or screens are offered in school?
There are various assessments that we can make in school to establish a standardised score for your child in reading or maths, and there are assessments that we can do to establish where gaps might be amongst a pupil's speech and language development. If it is deemed more complex, a referral will be made to Speech and Language Therapy. Boxhall Profiles can be completed where a pupil has emotional difficulties to see where we might be able to help them. These are in addition to the usual spelling, maths and reading tests that are administered as part of the curriculum.
We can screen for visual stress, dyslexia, working memory difficulties and dyscalculia, however it is important to note that these do not offer a diagnosis - only a clinical or optician can determine these outcomes.
In order for an assessment to be completed, a discussion should initially happen between the class teacher and parent (and SENCO where appropriate) and if it is deemed appropriate then it will be done. We only assess pupils in these areas if there is a reasonable concern that is presenting within school. Please note that there are waiting lists for some of these assessments to be carried out - the SENCO will advise you what these times might be.