Who manages my child's EHCP at the Local Authority?
Within the Local Authority SEN team, you will be assigned a case officer if your pupil is either undergoing an EHCP Needs Assessment. If an EHCP is agreed, you are assigned an EHCP Coordinator. They are a link contact at the Local Authority who you can speak to regarding any issues relating to the EHCP.
The SEN team can be contacted on senteam@southend.gov.uk or 01702 215246.
If you have any concerns about the way that a case may be handled, the first point is to raise the concern with the LA. If you are unable to resolve this way, please contact SENDIASS https://www.sendiasssouthend.co.uk/ or IPSEA https://www.ipsea.org.uk/. There are also local parent support groups in Southend via Google.