Milton Hall Uniform
It is expected that children wear the school uniform each day, with the appropriate footwear (no open toe sandals or heels). Children are responsible for taking care of their own belongings including uniform. There is a box for unnamed lost property located in the bicycle shed - named items of clothing are normally returned to the class.
Head Covering and Hair Style
If hijabs are worn they must be black, grey, green or yellow in keeping with the school colours. Hair should be kept neat and tidy and worn with no extremes of style or colour. Long hair should be tied back at all times.
PE Kit
PE kit is part of school uniform and it is therefore expected that children come in to school wearing the correct kit on their PE days. Children should wear trainers, green or black shorts, a plain yellow t-shirt, plain dark jogging bottoms and a school jumper or black PE hoody. PE kit is available from the local uniform shops branded with the school badge. Plain jogging bottoms and black hoodies are available from other retailers at very reasonable prices. We would like to remind parents that hoodies and tracksuit bottoms should be plain with no patterns or stripes and not branded in any way unless it is with the school badge.
On Health & Safety grounds, children are not permitted to wear jewellery to school apart from a watch and stud earrings. We follow the local authority guidance and requirements on P.E. and it is required that all jewellery (including earrings) must be removed for P.E. Taping of earrings is not allowed. If your child cannot take their earrings out they may have to sit out of P.E. lessons (including swimming for years 4 & 5) until they can remove their earrings. Please be aware that members of staff will not remove or re-insert earrings; any child with pierced ears must be able to do this for themselves. We recommend that children should not wear jewellery on their PE days.
Please remember to label every item of school clothing, including coats, with your child’s full name (first name and surname). We encourage children to take responsibility to look after their uniform but inevitably things do sometimes get misplaced. It is much easier to find lost items if they have a clear name in them. There is a box for unnamed lost property located in the bicycle shed. Clearly named items of clothing are normally returned to the class.
Uniform items can be purchased from the local uniform shops, Paul’s Discount Clothing, 38/40 Southchurch Road, Southend, SS1 2ND, Tel: 01702 466431, or Schoolwear Centres, 96 Hamlet Court Road, Westcliff-on-Sea, SS0 7LP, Tel: 01702 330300, or some supermarkets stock uniforms at reasonable rates. It is not a requirement for the uniform to have a MH logo and you should be able to buy these from some of the local supermarkets. Alternatively the PTA run a ‘pre loved’ uniform shop through email. Please e-mail – stating item(s) requested, age, girl/boy, quantity etc with your child’s name and class and they will get back to you with price and availability.
We thank parents and carers for their support in ensuring children are wearing the correct school uniform.