Nightingale Class
Curriculum Newsletter - Spring 2, 2018
Welcome Back - Summer Term
As they say, 'Time flies when you're having fun!' and that is exactly
how we feel in year 1 this year. The months have flown by, our
children have grown even taller and accomplished amazing things.
We look forward to our final term in Year 1 and hope to make it very special.
- Spell-a-Thon Wednesday 6th June
- Phonics Screener Check Year 1 commences Monday 11th June
- Race for live Tuesday 19th June
- KS1 Sport's Day Friday 22nd Jun
- Transition Day Friday 6th July
- Exhibition Evening Thursday 12th July
- Last day of the year Thursday 19th July
Home-learning and Daily Reading
Home-learning tasks are sent home on Fridays. These include spelling practice, literacy and numeracy activities which are linked to the content covered at school that week.
We collect books weekly and reward children who have completed learning tasks.
We also encourage your child to read daily for at least 15 minutes and read through the High Frequency Words list your child is working on.
Please sign your child's reading record book when you have read with your child.
Each week we enjoy a range of physical activities, both indoors
and outdoors. Please ensure your child's kit is labelled and returned to school.
Nightingale Class will enjoy P.E. lessons on Monday and Tuesday.
Please remove all jewellery on these days.

We would like to invite you to take part in our half termly STEAM challenges this year.
These hands-on 'mini' projects will give your child an opportunity to apply their knowledge, skills and understanding of the world around them in a fun and exciting new way. Most importantly, your child will have the opportunity to work alongside their favourite teacher... YOU!
Challenge 6: Create a book that tells your story! Who are you? What do you like?
What are your favourite stories to read? Who do you live with?
What do you want to learn about? Who are your friends?
These books will be shared with your Year 2 teachers on Transition morning.
Due Date: Wednesday July 4th
Challenge 1: Using household items, make a boat that will hold £1.99 without sinking
Challenge 2: Make a tasty treat using an apple!
Challenge 3: Make a snowman that won't melt!

Barnaby Bear's Adventures
Each week, Barnaby will choose a child to go home with for the weekend. Barnaby loves to go on adventures and loves learning about... GEOGRAPHY. If you go to the park or beach, church or a friend's house - take Barnaby with you - he likes to explore new places! Barnaby Bear has his very own scrapbook so that your child can write about your awesome adventures together. It would be great if you could take some photos or even draw some pictures of places you've visited.
We can't wait to hear all about your time with Barnaby Bear!
Each week at our Stand Up A Good One assembly, our teachers recognise our efforts. Congratulations to our Nightingale SAUGO Award recipients for Spring 1:
Week 1: Maddison C. for her efforts in creative writing lessons.
Week 2: Skye R. for her perseverance with reading! She is now an Accelerated Reader!
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
'Only One You' - Milton Hall Primary School Design and Technology Challenge

Our Local Walk to the Church
Meet the Ordinals

(We're like super heroes in math!)
Postcards from London

English Favourite - Scones with Jam and Cream
Congratulations to Maria R for winning Mrs Gregory's literacy competition! Maria drew a villainous character who stole the clouds from the sky!
A Christmas Tradition: Maria's Family
On Christmas Eve just before dinner we cut the apple.
If the apple is healthy and we can see a star has formed with seeds -
the year ahead will be good!
But if the apple is sick or rotten (or if there is a worm inside) -
the year will not be good.
Thank you Maria and family for sending in your special Christmas tradition to share with us!
We look forward to a fantastic year ahead in 2018.
Thanks for making Grandparent's Day a huge success!