Year 2 - General Information & Updates
Year 2 SATS information for Parents 2018
Thank you to everyone who attended the Year 2 SATS information session this afternoon. I hope it was informative and answered your questions. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to see your child's class teacher or Mrs Ablethorpe.
The presentation is attached for those that were unable to make it.
Welcome back to the Spring Term. This Term our question is:
How can we make our toys move in a controlled way?
We have had some great discussions in classes about what we want to find out and have some exciting learning planned. Please find attached the STEAM homework for this half term which will end in a boat race. We are also asking children to bring in a small cardboard box so we can design and make our own vehicles as one way to help our toys move.
Thank you
The Year 2 Team.
STEAM Homework
We were so happy to see more super STEAM homework projects come in this week!
There are two more weeks to finish your projects. We are really looking forward to seeing them!
Year 2 Team
A reminder that homework books should be handed in on a Wednesday so that they can be marked and ready for the spelling test and new homework on a Friday.
We have also included in the homework books a list of words (common exception words) that the children are expected to read and spell by the end of Year 2. We hope you find these useful.
We would like to thank all the Parents and Carers who attended the Year 2 Curriculum Meeting.
We enjoyed sharing information with you and the chance to answer some of your questions. Don't forget we have an open door policy and if you have any further questions about your child's learning, please do not hesitate to ask.
Year 2 Team
A huge thank you from the Year 2 team for some of the
amazing creative animals which the children have brought
in for their STEAM homework projects.
We have been celebrating them in class but don't worry
you still have until half term to bring yours in to show.
We can't wait!