Year 5 General information and updates
The Year 5 classes are all named after important literacy figures from Great Britain
Shakespeare Class
Bronte Class
Austen Class
Our LSA's:
Uniform:Please make sure you have the correct uniform. The only jewellery that is acceptable is a pair of stud earrings and a watch. All other jewellery must be removed for school. All jewellery must be removed by the children themselves for PE. Jogging bottoms are for PE and children should be wearing school trousers at other times. Girls may wear leggings under a skirt but not on their own. Children may choose to wear a green fleece, jumper or cardigan in the winter. Please remember that we have a preloved uniform shop every Friday that sells items of second hand uniform for between 50p and £1.
Our PE lessons will take place on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please ensure that PE kits are in school from Monday to Friday as sometimes there may be late notice timetable changes. Please refrain from wearing football shirts during PE lessons as they are expensive. During the Spring Term, Bronte will have swimming on Wednesdays. Austen and Shakespeare will have swimming in the summer term.
At Home:
A reminder that homework is set on a Friday and includes: maths practice and a piece of literacy work that may relate to our topic. Homework is due in without fail on the following Thursday and can be handed in earlier. If you are struggling with your homework then it is best to do it as soon as you get it so that you can ask us for help.
Reading records must be handed in daily recording what you have read and ideally be signed by an adult who has heard you read. You should be reading 30 minutes every day including weekends and holidays. This is part of your homework. If there is any vocabulary that you do not understand please write it down in your reading record and look it up when you come into school. Remember to quiz on Accelerated Reader when you finish your book so you can earn as many points as you can towards your next prize.
Every term we will set a STEAM project for students to complete at home with their families. This term as we are looking at forces within science, we have sent home a challenge to design an effective paper helicopter. These are due back to school on the 8th February.
At the end of last half term we enjoyed our coding workshop, where we got to programme our own game. Many students were keen to continue to work on this and here is the site for students that wish to do so...
Important dates to remember:
Thursday 1st Feb- Austen class Assembly at 9:15am
Thursday 8th Feb - Open classrooms to build fairground rides from 1:30-3pm
Friday 9th Feb - Last day of half term
Monday 12th Feb - INSET Day - non pupil day
Tuesday 13th Feb- Return to school
Friday 9th March - Science event at Chase High School
Thursday 22nd March - Parent open afternoon from 2:00pm
Thursday 31st March - Last day of Spring Term. (students will have a log in and pass word) (username: miltonhall password: maths123) - (students have own log in and password) (username: miltonhall password: l4nguages) good for practising memory games and spelling, or even having a go at another language! a really useful spelling practise site. However, please make sure you only use the England spelling list words as the rest of the site is American!