Year 1 - General Information & Updates
Welcome Back - Summer Term
As they say, 'Time flies when you're having fun!' and that is exactly
how we feel in year 1 this year. The months have flown by, our
children have grown even taller and accomplished amazing things.
We look forward to our final term in Year 1 and hope to make it very special.
- Spell-a-Thon Wednesday 6th June
- Phonics Screener Check Year 1 commences Monday 11th June
- Race for live Tuesday 19th June
- KS1 Sport's Day Friday 22nd Jun
- Transition Day Friday 6th July
- Exhibition Evening Thursday 12th July
- Last day of the year Thursday 19th July
Home-learning and Daily Reading
Home-learning tasks are sent home on Fridays. These include spelling practice, literacy and numeracy activities which are linked to the content covered at school that week.
We collect books weekly and reward children who have completed learning tasks.
We also encourage your child to read daily for at least 15 minutes and read through the High Frequency Words list your child is working on.
Please sign your child's reading record book when you have read with your child.
CONGRATULATIONS: Student Council Representatives
The votes are in and we are happy to announce the student council representatives for 2017.
We hope that they enjoy this new and exciting opportunity!
Nightingale Class:
Nevaeh - Student Councillor
Skye - Deputy Councillor
Fleming Class:
Finley - Student Councillor
Eva - Deputy Councillor
Jenner Class:
Xavier - Student Councillor
Carmen - Deputy Councillor
We would like to invite you to take part in our half termly STEAM challenges this year.
These hands-on 'mini' projects will give your child an opportunity to apply their knowledge, skills and understanding of the world around them in a fun and exciting new way. Most importantly, your child will have the opportunity to work alongside their favourite teacher... YOU!
Challenge 6: Create a book that tells your story! Who are you? What do you like?
What are your favourite stories to read? Who do you live with?
What do you want to learn about? Who are your friends?
These books will be shared with your Year 2 teachers on Transition morning.
Due Date: Wednesday July 4th
Please send your child's named P.E. Kit into school.
We enjoy a range of physical activities, both indoors
and outdoors, throughout the week.
Year 1 P.E. lessons will take place on Monday afternoons and Tuesday mornings.
Please remove all jewellery on these days.
Curriculum Newsletter - Spring 1
Your child will continue to take part in daily Read, Write, Inc. (RWI) phonics sessions this year. This year, your child will learn the vowel sounds and the many alternative spellings. As your child learns a new sound, they will practice reading and writing it at school and at home as part of their weekly homework.
We encourage you to help your child learn their spelling words by adopting the
Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check approach.
To date, your child will have learned their SET 1 and SET 2 sounds and will begin learning their SET 3 sounds this term. They will discover that there are many different ways to make the same sound, e.g. ee as in tree and ea as in tea. In Year 1, your child will begin to create links between these sounds and spelling patterns, helping them to read and write with accuracy and fluency.
Speed Sounds - Set 3
ea: cup of tea
oi: spoil the boy
a_e: make a cake
i_e: nice smile
o_e: phone home
u_e: huge brute
aw: yawn at dawn
are: share and care
ur: purse for a nurse
er: a better letter
ow: brown cow
ai: snail in the rain
oa: goat in a boat
ew: chew the stew
ire: fire fire!
ear: hear with your ear
ure: sure it's pure?
tion: celebration
tious / cious: scrumtious and delicious
e: he me we she be
Look at the video below to learn from some of our experts:
High Frequency Words and Red Words
As your child reads he/she not only is he/she exposed to new words and vocabulary but he/she will also develop a bank of words that they will be able to read quickly. As this bank of words grows, you will begin to notice your child's confidence in reading sky rocket as they develop the ability to read fluently with expression and gain a better understanding of the text.
High Frequency words are words that appear frequently such as: and, it, him etc.
Sometimes these words are not phonetically easy to sound out.
These are called red words. E.g. was your want etc.
Look for these in the storybooks you share together; the more your child sees and uses red words, the easier they will be able to read and write.
Teach Your Monster to Read
Your child has been given access to a free learning website called:
Teach Your Monster To Read.
Teach Your Monster to Read is an interactive and fun way to practice sounds, blend words and read sentences. There are loads of free e-books and games for your child to play at home and is available as an app for tablets / Ipads.
Passwords and Usernames have been placed in Reading Record books. If you have any problems accessing the website, please don't hesitate to ask your child's teacher!
This year, your child will continue to learn math through play and will be encouraged to discover 'math' in their everyday environment. They will also follow the Math- No Problem! approach to learning mathematics which will allow your child to develop their mathematical fluency and mastery.
We encourage...
we want your child to generate many solutions
and communicate their findings confidently!
This term, your child will continue to build on their knowledge of number and place value with number 1-100. They will count forwards and backwards from any given number, read and write numbers as words as well as compare quantities. This term, your child will begin to develop their understanding of 'Number bonds' and will learn to add and subtract numbers using a variety of strategies. Your child will also look at shapes and patterns in their environment and explore the concepts of measurement via hands-on learning opportunities.
We encourage you to access the RMEasimath website where your child will consolidate their understandings and work at a pace that challenges them. Your child can access RMEasimath by clicking the picture below:
Username: First name and initial of surname (E.g. JoeS @ milton) Password: maths