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Milton Hall

Primary School

‘Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it.’

Nursery New Starters 2024/2025

Offer letters have now been sent out to families who have already applied for a nursery place for September 2024. Please email us to confirm your place at


If you have a child who will turn 3 before 1st September 2024 and would like to apply, please fill in the form below and drop it into the school reception to be added to our waiting list. 


Thank you for choosing Milton Hall Nursery - we look forward to meeting you all very soon!



Welcome to Nursery!


We would like to welcome all our new children and their families who will be joining us at Milton Hall Nursery this year. We are really excited to meet you all on Friday 19th July at our Stay & Play.


Please ensure you have logged in to ClassDojo - here you will find some challenges for the children and information about the upcoming year.


if you are having trouble loggin on, please contact Mrs Parker at




