Welcome to the PTA section!

Winter 2022
Pokemon Competition - Colouring Rec & KS1 and Design Your Own KS2
Judging has taken place - here are the entries chosen as winners and runners up. All prizes will be delivered to class week commencing Monday 19th December. Well done everyone, they looked amazing and thank you for helping the PTA to raise money to help out with projects at school.
Runners Up
Easter Drawing Competition
A huge thank you to Co-op and Tesco stores on Hamlet Court Road for their generosity in donating the winners prizes.
Winning Entries
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has helped make this a successful Christmas for the PTA. For all the donations of raffle prizes, Jolly Jam Jars and for buying tickets and jars, not to mention entering the Christmas Cracker Competition and donating money on the Non-Uniform Day back in November. The raffle was drawn during singing assembly live on Friday 10th December. The remaining prizes and Jars will be distributed to class this are the winning raffle tickets...
PTA AGM 2021 - Thursday 8th July 2021 at 16:30
The meeting will be held online. Please register to join the meeting (if the link doesn't work copy and paste into your browser): -
We need a new Secretary - Do you have a bit of spare time if so please nominate yourself by emailing the PTA asap.
See the minutes from the last AGM below.
See you there!
AGM Minutes September 2020
Fathers’ Day Gifts 2021 (and for Grandad too!)
Thanks to everyone who bought a gift for a loved one - we raised approximately £200.
The PTA (Parent Teachers Association) at Milton Hall aim to support the school by raising funds for equipment to benefit all pupils.
You Can Help!
New members are always VERY welcome, but if you feel you don't have enough time to commit to becoming a member, we also need:
- donations of worn school uniform for the pre-loved uniform shop (to return when it is safe to do so on the playground after school - most items 50p each - please email us* to request items.
- Signing up to the FREE Easyfundraising website - please look for us under Parent Teacher Association of Milton Hall. Through this website you have access to lots of high street and online retailers, every time you spend they donate a small amount to the PTA (which costs you nothing).
- sponsorship of a 'Patch of Green' our project to put a new surface to replace the dead grass under the canopy on the school field - a big project, we have just over £2000 but we need more
- donations of cakes for our cake sales - currently on hold
- help at PTA events - please check out the school newsletter for details of our online events
- ideas for the school's needs and events the children and their families would enjoy
* Please contact us at, leave a note at the school office or come and see us around the school
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Easter Egg design competition winners!
Christmas Fun 2020
BLIND CAKE AUCTION thank you to the winning bid of £40 and thank you very much to the Star Baker for the delicious cake.
Bake off Is Back - well a little differently
PTA RAFFLE - 11/12/20
Thank you to Mr Spence for drawing the raffle - the winning tickets will be shown here in due course. Prizes will be distributed w/c 14/12/20. Congratulations to all the winners and consolations if you didn't win. You can still feel proud as you helped the PTA to raise a staggering £335, which is phenomenal, so a huge thank you to everyone. Special mention to Ms Reeve in the office for selling lots of tickets, Miss Hayes and year 3 for being so generous and to Jenny on the PTA who did lots of running around to update the prizes.
Winning Raffle Tickets - 11/12/20
COMPETITION TIME - Design a Christmas Tree
The Winner of KS2 has been judged (a hard decision) - see pictures below of winners and runners up. Prizes to be distributed after 7th December.
Thank you to everyone who entered, the trees are dotted around the school, spreading Christmas cheer.
Rec & KS1

Mother's Day Gift Sale - March 2020 postponed
Thank you to everyone who brought in money to buy a gift for a loved one. We were very disappointed that the current situation prevented the sale from going forward. THANK YOU very much to everyone for all the hard work with the preparations, you are superstars - photo showing the gorgeous display of the lovely things below. All gifts have now been distributed, it took time to complete to make sure it was done safely.
Our best wishes go out to everyone at this time and our thanks to all key workers.
Keep safe and well until we meet again soon.
Angela, Chair of the PTA
BINGO Night - Postponed
Our big project is to raise £4000 to pay for a new surface to make the area under the canopy on the field look beautiful again, total raised so far £2067. Thank you to everyone who has already sponsored some 'green'. Here is how it might look...
PTA Christmas Fayre Bake-off enties and cake sale 2019

PTA Prize Winners

Easter Egg Competition 2019

PTA Bake off

Family Fun Day 2018

Cake sale and disco March 2018

PTA Bake Off Dec 2017